Leader in sustainability
We are leading in sustainable development and aim to continue on that path. We are an influential contributor to public debate about economic affairs and educational activities. We are an active participant in local communities around the country and in numerous initiatives in the field of culture, sports, human rights, innovation and more.
Key sustainability initiatives
In 2022, we hosted Landsbankinn’s first Sustainability Forum, measured GHG emissions from our credit portfolio for the second time and committed to setting science-based climate targets. Six interesting initiatives were awarded grants from Landsbankinn’s Sustainability Fund upon initial allocation and we maintained our excellent ESG risk rating from Sustainalytics.
Climate issues
We put a great deal of effort into knowing the environmental impact of our operation. Our work on analysing our carbon footprint and impact on society is an on-going venture.
Sustainability accounts
We comply with the GRI Standards option and the Annual & Sustainability Report also functions as a Communication of Progress report to the UN Global Compact. Landsbankinn will continue to support the Global Compact and adhere to its guidelines.
Human resources and equality
Landsbankinn employs a diverse team of individuals with a varied skill set, experience and backgrounds. Our team’s knowledge and experience supports the Bank’s operation and investment in continuing education, job development and the hire of new personnel ensures continuous development.
Partnership and learning
We participate in various projects that encourage development and progress in society. We provide financial support for various projects through grants from our Community Fund and award scholarships. We publish an extensive selection of content on the economy and raise awareness about financial matters.
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